It’s amazing how quickly three hours can slip by. The sophomore edition of Weird Medicine went pretty well; it was a lot more serious this time than last, and PA John and I have some ideas for making the third edition better and more fun. The word “Sophomore” means “learned fool” and I think that applied pretty well to us.
First we did about 30 minutes on O&A. I found to my dismay that my “bit” is to do rectal exams on the staff and interns. I sort of remember begging for a new “bit” on the air (ideas of any sort are welcome!) On the other hand, few people ever get the privilege of having a “bit” of any sort on O&A so who am I to complain? I guess I can look at it as a public service of some sort. The boys were amazing as always…very welcoming, talented, and yes, very nice li’l fellers. It was like seeing old friends again.

Roland “opens Friday…wide” on O&A Feb 2, 2008
Next John and I did about an hour on Ron and Fez; ha, it’s amazing the difference between the two shows. On O&A I probed a rectum and made lube jokes, on R&F we did an hour on chronic pain, cancer, and addiction. Ron, Fez, and their staff are the most amazing people. Very friendly, smart, warm and very special.

PA John, the insanely cute Lilly, and creepy Jimmy Norton
New York City seemed a little like home this time, rather than the alien and rather scary place from last visit. Not a lot like home, but it had that comfort of familiar surroundings accompanied by good friends. I really hope this feeling continues to grow as we spend more and more time in the city.
One of the most satisfying results of this adventure has been the friends we’ve made over the last few months. Meeting message board folk we’ve corresponded with for years face-to-face is a rush, and hanging with O&A, R&F and their staffs is amazing. Hard to put into words.

Pat Duffy, Intern Matt, and “their” intern, Brian in the control room.
Just a couple of men, hugging each other, cheek-to-cheek…
My new best pal, “Mooch Cassidy” from Belfast, Ireland
The less I say about this picture, the better 🙂
Thanks especially to the many, many people who called in and emailed us during the show! Obviously, without you we’d have nothing to do. The feedback has been overwhelming and as narcissists we appreciate the kind words.
Three hours was something of an ordeal. At the end of hour two my brain felt like it was going to explode. During the break I walked out to where Anthony was hanging out (we had the pleasure of his company for the whole show…again, most intimidating!) and asked him how the hell does he do 5 hours a day 5 days a week!? I have renewed and total respect for all of the talent on XM202. They make it look easy, and it ain’t.
During the show, we give out the email address, but never seemed to have time to check it and respond on the air. So we’re going to take those questions that were emailed to us and begin posting them anonymously in the forum with our answers. This will give you an idea of the kind of answers you can expect in the premium forum.
The premium forum is an experiment. We’re committed to doing this for a year to see if it helps anyone. You basically get unlimited access to medical research on any question that we can answer, done by your old pals DrSteve and PAJohn. Obviously if it gets ridiculous we’ll just give you the boot and give you your money back, and it’s important to remember that we’re not your healthcare providers… we’re just here when you need quick answers to medical questions, research on a specific problem, or simply an unbiased medical opinion on something.
People have used this service (in another form) to generate documents that they have taken to their healthcare providers to help them in treatment and diagnosis of specific illnesses. Obviously, no warranty is granted nor implied, but we do the best we can to provide accurate information.