Weird Medicine Healthcare for the Rest of Us

March 2, 2008

Weird Medicine Addendum Part 2

Well here it is, the nerve-laden second segment of the Weird Medicine Addendum.  I think with this one, we’ve answered all the emails, posted a few to our forum,  and answered the rest in our podcasts.  We’re experiencing some growing pains;  I need to buy new microphones for the “stu-stu-studio” because the ones we’re using are crap and pick up every touch and every paper rattle and every breath…ugh, they just sound awful.  On top of that, Jill and John are sharing a mic and I’ve been too lazy to add a third headset so John’s doing without.  

 Topics in this podcast include: alternative treatments for psoriasis, alternative treatments for multiple sclerosis (disappointing on both counts), male nipple discharge, palpitations, keloids, and narcotic addiction (we just scratched the surface on this one…for a more complete discussion of treatments for narcotic addiction, check out the premium podcasts in the forum section).

Enjoy.  We need to do a lot more of these to even come close to the professionalism I’m hoping we’ll someday achieve.  There are glimmers of hope in this one, so we’ll press on.

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