Weird Medicine Healthcare for the Rest of Us

April 9, 2008

Weird Medicine: The Entertainment Edition

Filed under: Podcast — Tags: , , , — dr steve @ 10:23 pm

I have this friend named Shannon “The Cinema Warrior” and he’s a genius.  His interests are GrindCore music, Troma Films, and legalizing marijuana.  I thought it’d be fun to just geek out and talk about BattleStar Galactica, David Lynch movies, and the medical use of marijuana (I mean, the show IS called “Weird Medicine” after all). 

Check out Shannon’s stuff at  (up sometime this month), and  

The comic and game shop we mention is  Possibly the greatest shop of its kind in the country.

 Hope you enjoy it!

April 3, 2008

Weird Medicine Special Edition: Anxiety

Filed under: Podcast — Tags: , , , , , , , — dr steve @ 8:18 pm

John and I really wanted to do this tonight, but it’s mostly impromptu (which you can tell). 

Anxiety is a huge problem worldwide, and people who don’t suffer from it have trouble understanding those who do.  Also, it’s extremely treatable.  We may be able to do a better job on the podcast (ugh, the worst outtro ever), but the sentiment is there.
We love our friend Fezzie and if this helps anyone at all, it’s because of our high regard for him.

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