Weird Medicine Healthcare for the Rest of Us

December 15, 2008

“Heavenly Parole” A Redneck Christmas Song

Filed under: Podcast — dr steve @ 10:59 pm

My pal Murray and I recorded this song before anyone had ever heard of a digital recording.   It was done on cassette and the multitracking was accomplished by “ping ponging” tracks back and forth between two recorders…a recipe for noisy, crap-o-licious audio with lots of wow, flutter and heck, who ever heard of a mic screen, so it’s full of popping “P’s”, too.

This song was part of the Squirrel Mabry Cycle, a concept “album” with a backstory;  Mr Mabry always wanted to be a big recording star, so he wrote some Christmas songs and had a friend who supposedly had connections in the recording industry.   He paid big bucks to make this demo tape, and it’s pretty obvious he got ripped off.  Anyway, someday perhaps the whole Cycle will emerge.

So whether you celebrate Christmas, Chanukkah, Kwanza, or Winter Solstice, anyone can enjoy listening to someone else’s anguish as they get conned out of their life savings making some stupid demo tape.

That’s Murray as Squirrel, and playing guitar.  I’m shining on bass, Casio, and background vocals.  (yecch).

Enjoy “Heavenly Parole” by the ever awful Squirrel Mabry…

(We were going to submit this to Ron and Fez as an original Christmas song, but it’s just too long and has too many defects to seriously send it in.   And it’s too long to play on Weird Medicine (at 6 minutes it’d be 1/10th of the whole show), so I’m just posting it here.   If you like it, let me know!

December 2, 2008

Shooby Taylor, “The Human Horn”

Filed under: Podcast — dr steve @ 10:52 pm

I won’t reprint too much here…everything you need to know is well documented at  Suffice it to say that Shooby Taylor was a gem–a unique individual with confidence a mile wide, and I love him.  Probably the worst scat singer ever to pay to have a demo tape made, his art is so delightfully awful that I can listen to it over and over again (and have, since I first heard this stuff over 20 years ago).

I really like the two cuts he recorded with the organist.   The others on his tapes were voiced over recordings of other artists, and they’re not nearly as entertaining.

Anyway, we got a lot of requests for the .mp3 file for Shooby’s version of “Lift Every Voice and Sing”, so here it is.

November Weird Medicine 2008

Filed under: Podcast — Tags: — dr steve @ 10:44 pm

Ha, last month it was “Blind Man’s Penis”…this month “Shooby Taylor, The Human Horn”!   It has been fun ressurrecting this old audio from my college radio days.

If I could just get my partner from those days, Tony Wike, to cough up the tapes he has from our “comedy” talk show in the 70s, the “Wike and Waku” show, I could really play some cringey, embarassing crap for you all.  Ugh, “Mister Waku’s Neighborhood” was just the worst.

Anyway, enjoy.   Thanks for the support;  if you have a medical question you’d like answered on the show, post it to or call our new request line at 423 DIE TUTI.

Next month:  our Holiday Extravaganza!

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