Weird Medicine Healthcare for the Rest of Us

December 2, 2008

November Weird Medicine 2008

Filed under: Podcast — Tags: — dr steve @ 10:44 pm

Ha, last month it was “Blind Man’s Penis”…this month “Shooby Taylor, The Human Horn”!   It has been fun ressurrecting this old audio from my college radio days.

If I could just get my partner from those days, Tony Wike, to cough up the tapes he has from our “comedy” talk show in the 70s, the “Wike and Waku” show, I could really play some cringey, embarassing crap for you all.  Ugh, “Mister Waku’s Neighborhood” was just the worst.

Anyway, enjoy.   Thanks for the support;  if you have a medical question you’d like answered on the show, post it to or call our new request line at 423 DIE TUTI.

Next month:  our Holiday Extravaganza!

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