Weird Medicine Healthcare for the Rest of Us

January 26, 2009

January 2009 Weird Medicine

Filed under: Podcast — dr steve @ 10:15 pm

Making a bit of a turn from our more recent shows, this one was all medical questions from email and  We covered a lot of ground and cleared out some of the inbox.

For the near future, our show will be on monthly at 7pm before the Saturday night virus (4pm on the West coast), and is replayed at 1pm the next day.   My son will be cutting a promo very soon about this situation. 🙂

The last 2 minutes of the show featured “Jonathan and Darlene Edwards” version of “Staying Alive”.   Jonathan and Darlene reveled in bad music back in the 70s, and I used to use their version of “Carioca” on my “comedy” talk show on WCAR called “Wike and Waku” in 1975.  You can check them out here.

Also that website of legit Candadian Pharmacies can be found here.

We had some repeat requests for the Weird Medicine theme song, “Paging Doctor Steve” by the talented Sherwin Sleeves.   Here it is again!

January 6, 2009

Shooby Taylor Redux

Filed under: Steve's Blog — dr steve @ 11:21 pm

This is the mp3 of Shooby Taylor’s “Stout Hearted Men” from the December 08 show.   More information about Shooby (including the one surviving video) can be found at

(If you have trouble with the player playing at double speed, click “download” or “open in a new window”.  It’s a bug between wordpress and certain browsers.)

Weird Medicine December 2008

Filed under: Podcast — dr steve @ 11:18 pm

The last show of 2008 was packed with firsts…the first call from our Weird Medicine voicemail (423 DIE TUTI), the first “live audience” (three guys from our home town, plus “East TN Ed”), and the first playing of Shooby Taylor’s “Stout Hearted Men” ever on XM 202 (check him out at!)

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