Weird Medicine Healthcare for the Rest of Us

April 14, 2009

April 4, 2009 Weird Medicine

This entry includes perianal depilitation, e-cigarettes, frottage, fluorescent urine, and prostatic congestion AKA “Blue Balls”.   Oh, and we exposed the condition known as “Cello Scrotum” as a hoax, and discussed male preference for areola size.   All in all, a busy show.

For those who are interested, we continue our coverage of the Canadian Healthcare system through the trials and tribulations of our friend “Lana from Canada” who is trying to get decisive help for her severe endometriosis.   Oh, and a nice phone call from Pat from Moonachie, too.   If you’d like to help Pat and Big A pay for their medical expenses while we wait for the government to come up with a safety net for the “working poor”, check out the post below.

We’re now on every other Saturday night at 5pm Eastern.   This is our new spot until SiriusXM decides to change it again.   As always we appreciate the tons of support we get for this show.   You all are truly great.

your pal,


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