Weird Medicine Healthcare for the Rest of Us

April 26, 2009

“Most Mediocre of” Weird Medicine Aired April 25 2009

Filed under: Podcast — dr steve @ 11:08 pm

Ok, it went like this…

Someone canceled their 9pm Saturday Night Virus show (who would do such a thing?) and “Special Delivery” stepped up to the plate.   This left their regular 6pm slot open.  Big Kev had the 5pm slot, so Erock asked us if we could do a show on really short notice (like less than a day).  As the typical Weird Medicine show takes me an average of 8 hours of show prep over several nights, I figured why not try a “Best of” show.   We’ve been doing this for 2 years, surely we have enough material to do a one hour retrospective.  Ugh, I was so sick of hearing my own voice drone on and on as I was reviewing the old shows, I really despaired that we’d be able to put together a credible show.

Double Vasectomy Todd and PA John were able to make it (Jefferson the Shyster being in court that day) so we did it “Live on tape” rather than just compiling a bunch of crap and calling it a show.

I asked Erik to send us all of our XM material (there’s 7 1/2 hours of live stuff) in good quality audio so we can make a “real” best of some day.

Anyway, this was a fun experiment;  hope you enjoy it.

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