Weird Medicine Healthcare for the Rest of Us

July 9, 2009

July 4th Dead Celebrity Special 2009

We asked for airtime to discuss medical problems that are related to the current crop of dead celebrities, including Michael Jackson (why do doctors treat celebrities differently than “normal” patients?), Billy Mays (how to avoid sudden cardiac death), and Farrah Fawcett (diagnosis and treatment of rectal cancer). I really, really tried to use these peoples’ demise as a jumping off point to discuss something relevant or interesting to our audience. Everyone else has done the tribute/bashing/whatever; I wanted to do something a little different.  We tried “turning the senseless deaths of famous people into information you can use to try to live forever.”

Thanks to sam and dave for giving up their airtime over the holiday weekend. They’re purty good fellers.

Thanks to for getting three of us on her program. Double Vasectomy Todd has regained almost 2 inches of lost manhood on her program. If you’re interested in talking to her, she’s very reasonable cost-wise, and really knows her stuff.

We are working hard toward a live show Oct 17th from NYC, and possibly another live show Labor Day weekend from Nashville.  Stay tuned.

your pal,


PS: Check out the WEIRD MEDICINE STORE!  This is new and all proceeds will go to keeping Live shows on the air.

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