Weird Medicine Healthcare for the Rest of Us

August 25, 2009

August 22 (and 29) 2009 Weird Medicine

Filed under: Podcast — dr steve @ 10:35 pm

The second in the “all voicemail” shows;  this one features four adults arguing about who passed gas in the first minute of the show.   How old are we?  “I didn’t do it!” “Whoever smelt it dealt it…”  “Whoever shit it, did it…”  whatever.  Grown men.   There’s nothing funnier than farts, though, so this show started off auspiciously.

Topics we covered:

Flatus and its effects on adults (no difference from 6 year olds)
the history of the barber pole
the next LIVE weird medicine (we said oct 24, but it’s really Nov 7th)
coprophilia (cleveland steamers! yay! and Brooklyn Blowhard)
why condoms stink
lap band for obesity
low testosterone levels (hypogonadism)

@weirdmedicine Dr. Steve feels your pain. on Twitpic

“Dr Steve Feels Your Pain”, by rascal_helper

August 15th Weird Medicine

Filed under: Podcast — dr steve @ 10:25 pm

I have this resident named Erin and she demanded that I start being more timely regarding uploading Weird Medicine episodes.   So here is the first of the two “all voicemail” episodes that we did while O&A were on vacation.

These shows were a dry run for the 3 hour Fecalicious Extravaganza that will air soon on the SNV, and that was a dry run for the upcoming LIVE SHOWS from NYC and the Nashville XM-Sirius studios.   What we’re really hoping (and this is all still up in the air) is that Sirius will appreciate the value of Weird Medicine and will book it monthly for a three hour live show.   We’ll still go to NYC yearly to shove fingers up people’s rectums, but the pre-recorded shows will be no more.   We’ll see!  Erock and Danny are helping us with this and we’ll post more when we know more.

This show contains adult content (as do they all).   Since the tag generator in WordPress doesn’t work with this custom theme, here are the topics we covered:

Billy Mays Toxicology Report
Hair Follicle Drug Tests
Semen taste
Genital Warts
Human Papilloma Virus
Fear of Flying
Square Breathing
Smoking Cessation
Condoms and Erectile Dysfunction

August 24, 2009

Announcing: The 3 Hour Stool-fest on the SNV!

Filed under: Steve's Blog — dr steve @ 7:20 pm

Next week?  The week after?  Not sure when it will run, but we recorded a 3 hour “Fecalicious Extravaganza” for the Saturday Night Virus that’ll run 9-12 EDST.  Holy crap, how many turd questions are there out there?   What are you people eating?  Really, it’s not all questions about fecal matter, but poop-related questions seemed really common this time.   It was fun to do, and I hope you enjoy it.  It’ll be nice to be on primetime again.

Just as a preview:
This lady has a Bristol Stool Scale of 4...find out what that means on the next Weird Medicine!

This lady’s turd has a Bristol Stool Scale of 4…find out what that means on the next Weird Medicine!   (We’ll announce the date as soon as Danny lets us know.)

August 13, 2009

New Weird Medicine Shows on XM202 Sirius 197!

Filed under: Steve's Blog — dr steve @ 10:51 am

We got the call from Erock: “When the boys are out of town, we want you to do two new shows for the Midnight Saturday and Sunday night slots.”   We need practice for the upcoming October LIVE show, too, so we did a two hour “voicemail only” extravaganza.   I put out a call for voicemail questions a couple of weeks ago, and we got enough for 4 shows at least.   We answered them in pretty random order, simulating a live show and I think it really worked, especially the second one (on the 22nd, 23rd). 

So give us a listen at 11:59 Eastern on  XM202, Sirius 197:

  • Saturday August 15
  • Sunday August 16
  • Saturday August 22
  • Sunday August 23

I think we’re going to stick with this format for awhile;  call in your medical (or science) questions to 423 343 8884 (423 DIE TUTI) and we’ll get them on the air as soon as we can!

This week’s topics:

  • Fear of flying
  • Changing the taste of ejaculate
  • Bedbug intercourse (they’re DISGUSTING)
  • Billy Mays’ toxicology report
  • condoms and erectile dysfunction
  • and a bunch of other fascinating stuff!

On the  August 22, 23 show, listen as 4 grown men halt a national radio show in its tracks as they try to deduce which one is lying about passing flatus in the studio.  (It’s a guy thing).


your pal,


Doctor Steve

August 6, 2009

Weird Medicine Merchandise!

Filed under: Steve's Blog — dr steve @ 5:30 pm

Look, don’t worry about it, really, don’t.   If you don’t want any of this crap, don’t feel obligated or that our feelings will be hurt.   We got a really cool logo from Matt Hoffman (Fluffernutter, from RonFez.Net fame) and wanted to splash it everywhere.   It’s on my twitter, will be on here soon, and is now featured on Tee Shirts, Mugs, and all kinds of other cruddy merch at CafePress.

You can also visit the Weird Medicine Store, where we’re compiling an e-store of the stuff we mention on the show that you can buy over the counter.  It has sections like “Your Horrid Bowels” and “Your Awful Stomach” with all kinds of proven remedies you can buy right there and have delivered to your door.

If I can think of any other ways we can whore ourselves out, I’ll let you know.   I do promise this: every penny we ever make (and again, I don’t expect to make any, so it’s ok (what a great salesman I am)) will go to producing LIVE Weird Medicine shows and other worthy causes.

your pal,


PS: we’ll be on two weekends in a row when the boys are on vacation.  I’ll post the dates in the “On Air” box as soon as I know them.   These shows will be “all voicemail” shows, so don’t forget to call 423 DIE TUTI before Wednesday August 12th!

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