Weird Medicine Healthcare for the Rest of Us

September 13, 2009

Dr Steve on Montel (and the 3 hour turd-fest audio)

Filed under: H1N1 (Swine) Flu,Podcast — Tags: , , , , , — dr steve @ 10:22 pm

Well, the 3 hour Weird Medicine on the SNV is complete and the feedback was pretty good.   Listening to it, I think the last 2/3rds was better than the first 1/3rd.  We enjoyed doing it, and it was great practice for the Nov 7th LIVE show, and for the Nashville shows that are yet to come (also LIVE).   Who knew Lady Trucker’s doodies would make her a star?  (BTW, you can follow her on Twitter…she’s awful, and that’s why I love her.)

Also, to show how incestuous this business is, I got a call from Mike Opelka, AKA “STUNTBRAIN” from the old O&A CBS show.  He’s now, among other things, working with Montel Williams on his Air America thing and they needed a doctor “stat” to talk about the Tamiflu resistant H1N1 outbreak in North Carolina.   While I’m on hold after the first break, a voice comes on the line and says to me: “PLUG WHORE!”  Turns out it was Jivin from the CT and Jivin show, who we thoroughly dissed on our show (but with love, we kid, we kid).

So enjoy, both chunks of audio are herein presented for your entertainment and/or derision. Well, the 3 hour show is in the next post for the RSS feed, but anyway…

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