Weird Medicine Healthcare for the Rest of Us

January 28, 2010

Carl Sagan’s Apple Pie Recipe

Filed under: Steve's Blog — dr steve @ 9:08 pm

My friend Brent sent me the apple pie recipe; it made me watch the YouTube video again and I thought I’d just post it here. If you’re interested in reading about physics at all (why would you be?) my newest acquisition is “The Quantum Enigma” one of the better books about how physics and human consciousness are hopelessly intertwined.


January 26, 2010

Weird Medicine Addendum 1/26/10

The guy who injected silicone into his penis is the subject (among other things) of this “Weird Medicine Addendum”.  If you haven’t seen the video, don’t miss it.  It’s not only “Not Safe For Work”, it’s not safe for anything.  This guy is a nut, but he’s happy, so who are we to criticize him? 20 lbs of silicone later, his glans looks like a giant bullfrog’s mouth and he can’t sit on the pot without dipping his junk into the water.   Fantastic then.

Don’t forget the Weird Medicine Merchandise Mart, where you can get that “I heart rimjobs” tee shirt for your dog that you’ve always wanted.

We recorded 2 new shows for air this weekend and next;  we covered a lot of ground and I think the shows are strong.  Follow @todd1017 during showtime 12MN Eastern on Twitter for updates and free merchandise!

your pal,

Dr Steve

January 15, 2010

Red Cross Raises $25,000,000 Through Text Donations for Haiti

Filed under: Steve's Blog — Tags: , , , — dr steve @ 9:55 am

Ok, I know we’re a show about nuts and toejam and stuff, but this Haiti thing is really, really bad.   I was a guest on Montel Williams’ show yesterday talking about the situation there (Stuntbrain works for Montel, if you’re wondering where the connection is) and it really started wearing on my mind.

Haiti is a public health disaster zone at the best of times.   Only 50% of kids there have even the most basic vaccines and clean drinking water?  faggeddaboutit.   Water-borne diseases like cholera and dysentery are among the most immediate disease concerns, infectious diseases like typhoid and yes, H1N1 will be a problem somewhat later.  Dehydration and exposure are pressing problems;  rebuilding their “infrastructure” such as it was, seems impossibly out of reach.

Thinking about little kids who have lost their parents and are wandering around with no safety net, no water, and exposure to all kinds of awful diseases got me to text 90999 and donate $10.00 to the American Red Cross.   I then checked and found that the Red Cross had collected $FIVE MILLION DOLLARS already just through the text message service.  In a world where $100 will build a “School in a box”, $5 mil is incredible.

I then went to Unicef’s website and donated some more money.   I realized that my problems with the browser on my cell phone, my dumb ego issues,  and my contract problems with SiriusXM were pretty meaningless compared to the devastation people are experiencing in Haiti.   Please, if you haven’t already, donate.   Just do it.   This is real human suffering that we can do something about, at least in the short run.   What can be done about Haiti’s chronic problems is another issue altogether…


Update: It’s now confirmed that more than $1 million has been raised through text message donations.

Update 2: $3 million has now been raised.

Update 3: The total is now more than $4 million as of Thursday afternoon.

Update 4: The new total is now $5 million, as confirmed by the Red Cross at 5:30 p.m. EST on Thursday.

Update 5: The Red Cross has raised over $25 million as of 1/23/10.

We’ve just confirmed that the Red Cross has already raised more than $800,000 for Haiti through their $10 text message donation initiative (text “Haiti” to 90999), which is backed by the United States State Department.

Susan Watson, director of marketing and visibility for the Red Cross, tells us that they’re getting reports every half hour with the latest donation numbers, and the current total — as of 4:30 p.m. EST — is greater than $800,000 for text message donations alone. Watson says, “The needs are so tremendous in Haiti, and we are honored that people continue to give to the American Red Cross. Raising this amount of money, $10 at time, is a true testament to the American spirit.”

The Red Cross’s involvement in the relief effort is to be commended. Not only did it immediately set up the simplest donation method possible, but its social media presence and outreach, when combined with the State Department’s involvement, has turned this into a viral funding initiative, topping Twitter() trends and inspiring action. The Red Cross is also contributing an initial $1 million from the International Response Fund.

If you want to help the cause you can text “Haiti” to 90999 to send a $10 donation to the Red Cross. There’s also this collection of organizations that are accepting donations online.

January 5, 2010

Weird Medicine Addendum 1-5-10

Filed under: Steve's Blog — dr steve @ 11:52 pm

Here it is, the first of the “new age” of Weird Medicine Addendum(s)…should it be Addenda?  Or addendae?  Ugh, I hate Greek, or Latin or whatever that is.  Well, I only hate it because I don’t fully grasp it, so as usual I’m being an ass.   Anyway, since we’re now BARRED from putting show audio up on our website (though others do it freely, feel free to seek them out through Google) thanks to our contract that pays us nothing for the privilege, we’re going to do this extra content for our loyal website followers.  Just a brief, 10 minute or so podcast with some extra stuff you won’t hear on the “real” show, and some stuff we do twice just to get it right for air.   This is just our first try, so look forward to some behind the scenes stuff, inside information, and some phone calls that don’t make it to the SiriusXM show.   A true “addendum”.

Don’t forget you can get Weird Medicine crap from!

Look for new Weird Medicine shows starting January 9th…perhaps the next new show will be the 16th or the 23rd; that’s up to Erock.

your pal,


January 2, 2010

New Weird Medicine Shows!

Filed under: Steve's Blog — dr steve @ 9:47 pm

We’re back from vacation and will start recording new Weird Medicine shows on Jan 7th, for play in the following weekends.   Currently we’re Live one week, prerecorded the next.  We are working to have the Midnight Eastern slot filled with new content every week.   There may be a surprise for everyone coming soon, if we can work it all out.  More on this later.   If Sirius could even get us ONE live read so that we could show our wives that there is SOMETHING coming in now that we’re going on our third year, we could probably do 50 new shows a year (weekly, with no reruns except during the winter holiday season) with no problems whatsoever.   We now have hundreds of unanswered voicemails and we’re committed to answering each and every one of them eventually.  We really have enough content to do an hour a day like Dean Edell used to do;  it really ain’t about the money, but it’s hard to get 4-5 guys together to make a daily commitment to something with no return other than the fun of doing it.  We’re like a garage band, and our wives are wondering why we’re spending so much time practicing and never getting paid for any gigs. 🙂

We got a portable Tascam broadcast quality recorder in the Weird Medicine stocking this year…we’ll be doing some remote work this year that should add a whole new dimension to our show.  Stay tuned!

If all you got was crap for the holidays, go buy yerself something nice at the Weird Medicine Memorabilia store.  I bought Tacie one of the black women’s tee shirts with the Weird Medicine poster on it for a stocking stuffer and I was amazed at the quality.  It fits well, shows off her lovely hootage, and the fabric is fantastic.   Before, I just made fun of our cafepress site, but this discovery turned me around.

And don’t forget the Weird Medicine Drug Store where you can buy crap to fix your smelly B.O. and annihilate your awful nosehairs and stuff.   You can access the store through the link on the front page of

My friend “The Bishop” is a tee vee producer who wants to make a documentary about Ben Pearson, one of the most prominent archers of all time.  If you don’t appreciate archery, I suggest you google Byron Ferguson right now and see what a true virtuoso can do.   If that gets you going, then feel free to donate to the project by clicking the link below:


We’ll be posting exclusive audio content to this website when we record new Weird Medicine episodes.  We may be barred from posting show audio, but no one said we can’t make audio for our friends that isn’t aired on XM202…this will be 10-15 minute “mini weird medicine” shows for internet only.  Stay tuned.

Hope your 2010 will be better than my 2009 was.

your pal,

Dr Steve

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