Weird Medicine Healthcare for the Rest of Us

April 12, 2010


Filed under: Music — dr steve @ 10:02 pm

“Fez out of Balance”

This was inspired by something Ronnie B said that inspired something that Sherwin Sleeves said…and of course I just stole the idea.

I had forgotten how much I loved “Koyaanisqatsi” (Life out of Balance) and if you don’t know what I’m talking about, buy it immediately from  the Weird Medicine Drug Store.

It’s slow and plodding, not brilliant and thoughtful like Philip Glass’s original, but it’s the first music I’ve put together in over 6 years so it was fun to do.  I basically did it for @sherwinsleeves and @djjd1962 who were talking about Philip Glass on twitter one day and I happened to eavesdrop.

Anyway, I love Fezzie and if he’s a little out of balance today, who isn’t?  Maybe this will help.  It certainly was therapeutic for me.

Still no news from Sirius about the live show April 24th.  I’m despairing that it will happen.  I’ll post more as I find out.

your pal,


April 6, 2010

New Weird Medicine Shows: 4-10-10 and 4-17-10

Filed under: Steve's Blog — dr steve @ 10:35 pm

Do I need to post pics of the kid with 20 toes?  I’ve thought about making this site a bit more interesting by posting actual “Weird” medicine stories.  Then I think about how much work that would take and I get lazy.  Let me know what you think.   Silicone penis guy would definitely make the cut, as would maggots-between-scalp-and-skull guy.   Do we really need another Ripley’s Believe it or Puke?   I’ll do it if you think it’s necessary.

Here’s the newest Weird Medicine Addendum;  we kind of got carried away.   A 10 minute podcast that’s 21 minutes long?  Insane!  We finally figured out that featuring materal on the addendum that’s going to be on the regular show is a mistake.  everyone gets confused and looks around the room going “didn’t we cover this already?”  YES!  FIVE MINUTES AGO WHEN WE RECORDED THE PODCAST, YOU DOLTS!  But anyway, that’s just how it is.  The reactions to things are much more spontaneous on the addendum than the second time I bring it up on the “real” show.

So from now on, the addendum will be TOTALLY new material, not heard or rehashed on the air.   Stay tuned.

We may be doing a live show April 24th from Nashville.  More on this as it develops.

As always, don’t forget the Weird Medicine merchandise store, or the Weird Medicine Drug Store (link at

Check your stupid nuts for lumps, quit smoking, get off your asses and get some exercise and we’ll see you soon for the next edition of ‘Weird Medicine”!

your pal,

Dr Steve

PS: the “Weird Medicine Addendum” is always posted in CD Quality sound, rather than that crappy 64kbps MP3 audio some people use. 🙂

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