Weird Medicine Healthcare for the Rest of Us

May 4, 2010

May 8th, May 15th NEW Weird Medicine Shows

Filed under: Steve's Blog — dr steve @ 10:08 pm

We have two new shows “in the can” and they’ll play May 8th and May 15th. We’re going to do two more shows in two weeks to carry us through vacation season so we won’t have 2-3 weeks of reruns as we did recently. We cover Dave McDonald’s costochondritis, a guy who can’t smell farts, herpes, herpes, herpes, and a guy who got gutshot with a .22 cal pistol and not only lived to tell the tale, but is driving around, calling us wondering what he should do about it!

I had to kill the Weird Medicine Addendum…if we did it before we recorded “Weird Medicine”, it ruined the spontaneity if we used a call twice. If we tried to do it after the show recording, we were too Weird Medicined out to make it good. Perhaps John or Todd and I will just sit down one day and pound out a decent podcast for our RSS feed.

The May 15th show features the world premiere of a song Fred Vultee and I wrote many years ago. It is my tribute to our trucker fans and I’ll post it here for download (assuming anyone wants it) once it has aired. Until then, here’s a Ron Bennington Ringtone for your cell phone: ringtone – ronnie b intro

Have a great week and thanks for listening! Check your stupid lumps for nuts, quit smoking, get off your asses and get some exercise!

your pal,

dr steve

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