Weird Medicine Healthcare for the Rest of Us

July 31, 2011

Weird Medicine Behind the Scenes Live show

Filed under: Podcast,Steve's Blog — Tags: , , , , , — dr steve @ 10:52 pm

After we did the 30 minute podcast, the Ustream listeners wanted to get involved so we experimented with taking some LIVE calls. It actually went better than I thought and we talked about gout and some other stuff and even got a call from Lady Trucker (who stumped us).

WE WILL GET BETTER AT THIS. The technology for taking live calls and streaming live isn’t new, but it’s new to us. We had a blast interacting with our friends online, though, and will do a lot more of this as time goes on.

So glitches and all, this is the first Live Weird Medicine from the Weird Medicine studios in downtown weirdmedicineville.

Weird Medicine Addendum July 30 2011

Filed under: Steve's Blog — dr steve @ 10:41 pm

This is the first WM Addendum that we’ve done in over a year and it really, really showed. New things: live internet audience on Ustream (go to our homepage for more information) which was a LOT of fun. This was a straight-to-podcast 30 minute show and when we got done people were weirdly clamoring for more (as if what we did here wasn’t bad enough) so we did another 30 minutes taking live calls via Skype. That show will post just after this one.

For potential advertisers: This show is not indicative of the quality we will eventually expect from the podcast. We’re pretty good at putting together a radio show for broadcast, but this internet thing is a whole ‘nother beast. It’ll come together soon though, and I’ll quit trying to lower expectations soon.

Double Vasectomy Todd’s new job will be to keep track of topics as we talk about them so I can post them here. Working on that too.

Your pal,


July 30, 2011

Trevor W from Canada: “The Dr Steve AHHHHHH Song”

Filed under: Podcast,Steve's Blog — Tags: , , , , , — dr steve @ 11:16 pm

It is well known that I am hobbled by horrid vocal crutches. These came on late in life when I decided that I couldn’t utter something unless I “knew” it was “correct” (it’s a form of OCD) and my dumb brain is constantly searching for words that ensure that I’m not making statements beyond my knowledge. While my brain is frantically searching for the “right” words, my stupid mouth just opens up and “ahhhhhh” comes out along with “so anyway” and a few other annoying nuggets.

I’m pretty sure Trevor W got this from ONE show, and probably ONE answer to ONE question. It’s really quite embarrassing, but the boyz in studio got a kick out of making fun of me for a change. Now you can, too, thanks to the magic of feedburner and iTunes!


your pal,


July 27, 2011

Welcome iTunes Listeners!

Filed under: Steve's Blog — dr steve @ 10:50 am

Well, we finally emerged into the 21st century;  although we cannot play content that we made for SiriusXM, there’s nothing in our contract (at least the way I read it) that says we can’t do a separate podcast if we want to!  So I’m hoping to do a regularly scheduled podcast called “The Weird Medicine Addendum” (we’ve done this before, for long-term listeners, just never on iTunes).  These will be brand “spanking” (yuck yuck) new shows, made specifically for the podcast audience.  Maybe we’ll even get a sponsor or two, who knows?  

You can still use the same number: 347 POO HEAD which will be a pool from which we draw for both shows.  Hell, if your call is good enough, it may make it on both.

Let us know what you think!

your pal,


Dr Steve

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