Weird Medicine Healthcare for the Rest of Us

December 3, 2011

Missing Patrice O’Neal

Filed under: Steve's Blog — dr steve @ 10:23 am

From Weird Medicine (Excerpted for the Patrice Tribute this weekend on Sirius 206, XM105):

“As I write this, I just got word that Patrice O’Neal has passed away.

I met Patrice at Opie’s wedding and the first thing I noticed about him was just what a sweet guy he was.   ‘Sure Doctor Steve, I’ll do your little show’…I always thought we had all the time in the world to have that conversation on the air about Diabetes and being in show business.  Lesson learned.

Patrice was a big hearted guy;  Chest Pain Rob reminded me today that when O&A had that mentally handicapped guy who worked at McDonalds on the air and they pretended to be McDonald’s executives and fired him on the air, it was Patrice who begged them to call him back and let him know it was a joke.  He just couldn’t stand some little guy in Podunk thinking he lost his job, even for the few minutes it would take for him to figure it out.

Patrice lived life on his own terms and then he checked out.   He was one of the funniest and best loved people who ever crossed the airways on Sirius XM.  Weird Medicine salutes the memory of Patrice O’Neal, what he stood for, and we will sorely miss him.”

Patrice’s care was insanely expensive;  if you’d like to help Patrice’s wife and daughter, please consider buying the 16 hour special produced by Erik Nagel from the Opie and Anthony show, or by buying Patrice’s last CD “Mister P” from Amazon or iTunes.

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