Weird Medicine Healthcare for the Rest of Us

July 17, 2012

Please help Steve C’s Family!

Filed under: Steve's Blog — Tags: , , , , — dr steve @ 8:33 am

We are all mourning the loss of our friend, Steve Carlesi, the former executive producer of the Opie and Anthony Channel. From a personal standpoint, Steve was the first person at XM202 who I ever corresponded with, and he ALWAYS answered my emails, no matter how trivial. He took the time to respond to a fan in the most gracious and humorous way; when I decided to pitch “Weird Medicine” to Opie I went to Steve first. His response: “I like it. A LOT. Let me see what I can do.” The rest is history, and I can say without any hesitation that without Steve there would have been no “Weird Medicine”. Whenever we were in NY, Steve always took the time to greet us and make us feel welcome. He was just a genuinely nice person.

So please help ameliorate this great loss to his family by donating to the Steve C Fund. Steve leaves behind a wife, 2 year old son, and a step-daughter who will all miss him greatly.

Thank you for your support! If you’d like to leave a message for Steve’s family, you can write to rememberstevec at gmail dot com. MJ can read these to Xander when he gets old enough to understand.

your obt svt,


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