Weird Medicine Healthcare for the Rest of Us

November 24, 2012

Please Help @XMJim!

Filed under: Steve's Blog — dr steve @ 9:06 pm

Occasionally, I come to you, hat in hand, to help one of the friends of our show monetarily. Some of these promotions are more successful (Patrice O’Neal, Big A) than others (Blowhard), but you always come through. This time we really need your help.

A listener to our show (he’s @XMJim on Twitter, please follow him) was feeling crummy so he saw his doctor and came away with a diagnosis of pancreatic cancer. He’s been in the hospital and has now lost his job and has no income. Of course, his cancer treatments are going to cost a fortune, and if he can’t work…

Right now we just need to get him through the holidays. He and his family don’t know how they’re going to make it.

If you can donate $1, $5, $100, whatever you can handle, 100% of the donations will go to Jim and his family. If you can’t donate this year, no problem, everyone understands. Toss a little positive thinking his way (and follow him on Twitter!)

Y’all rule.

your obt svt,


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