Weird Medicine Healthcare for the Rest of Us

March 12, 2014

Continue to Help A Listener with Terminal Cancer

Filed under: Steve's Blog — dr steve @ 4:56 pm

We have a listener who has been battling terminal bladder cancer since 2011. He’s had to try to continue to work just to keep the lights on despite horrific intractable pain, but hasn’t had a full time job since being laid off in 2012. The last tweet I got from him said “i’m already $100 away from being homeless. At this point I long for the relief that death will bring.”

He has no family who can help him, and he’s alone, suffering in a cold house he may be evicted from soon due to back taxes. He has about 30 days of insulin left, which will cost him almost $700 to refill.

I’ve asked him to let us help him for some time now, and he just today said he’d accept the kindness of strangers.

Please donate below, $5, $10, $100, whatever you can afford; 100% will go to RexDart who is known to people on the Interrobang website and on twitter as @rexdart936.

Let’s see what we can do as a group to keep the lights on and some heat going so our friend can live out his days in peace.

your friend,



UPDATE 1/8/14:  We raised $300 the first day;  thank you to all our listeners who contributed!  This will really help.

UPDATE 1/9/14: RexDart was able to square with the electric company and buy some propane.  We raised another $400 today so far and this has been forwarded directly to him as well.   THANK YOU ALL for your help for a friend in need.

UPDATE 3/12/14: We finally got hospice in the home and a social worker is seeing what help is available. WM listeners have donated over $2000 to helping RexDart stay in his home. He wants you all to know he appreciates “this help more than you can imagine.” Y’all rule.

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