Weird Medicine Healthcare for the Rest of Us

December 31, 2014

Recipe: NSNG Smoothies

Filed under: NSNG,Steve's Blog — Tags: , , , , , — dr steve @ 8:27 pm

People have emailed me, asking me for my smoothie “recipes” from the last podcast. I really don’t have any; I mostly improvise like a jazz musician using the following “chord chart” (yecch):

First Principles:

1) Spinach is basically tasteless raw (Kale is vile to me, but some people like it)
2) Almond milk is better than soy milk which is better than cow’s milk (especially if you’re lactose intolerant). Do I have evidence to back that up? Nope! Just my opinion.
3) The taste of fresh carrots is pretty good and can be masked with a single serving of fruit


if you’re grain-free, you start with a handful of spinach and a handful of carrots, dump them in your nutribullet (get one or something similar…it’s worth it), then add whatever you like to make up some stuff…


  • Almond milk + banana (simple, tasty, and 2 veggies and 1 fruit).\
  • Yogurt (greek, or not)+banana+V8 Fusion+frozen black cherries (lots of sugar, unfortunately, but kids will dig it, never knowing they’re eating spinach and carrots (Not “No Sugar,” but better than a lot of stuff kids eat today).
  • Apple slices + banana + almond milk.
  • all of the above with or without a scoop of vegetable protein or whey protein (if you want more protein).

You can go more veggie by adding cucumber, squash, and using water+protein powder (OR WHATEVER, you getting the idea?)

if you’re not grain free, you can add some chia seeds or flax seeds or oatmeal. Remember, I always start with spinach and carrots as a “base”. You don’t have to. Do whatever you want, who am I, your smoothie guru? Find your own path, you’ll enjoy it more. If you made something and it tastes like shit, throw it out and make something else…it’s not like you’re smelting gold bars.

Basically, make stuff up. It’s fun and I HATE books with a blue-million “Smoothie Recipes” with all kinds of made-up benefits (I just saved you 10 bucks on one of those self-published pieces of crap). The main benefit is getting in more fresh fruit and veggies than you’re normally going to get with a Crappy American Diet (CAD). So make something you like that doesn’t have too much sugar in it and you’ll do fine.

Good luck and let me know if you come up with something! Experiment, you really can’t go wrong (my wife makes a “smoothie” with coffee and grass-fed butter, but that’s a whole ‘nother topic).

yr obt svt,


PS: Frozen Black Cherries > > Frozen mango >Frozen Strawberries > Frozen Blueberries > Frozen Peaches when it comes to flavor…some frozen fruit doesn’t add anything, but I’ve found the frozen black cherries you can at least taste.

If you’re not using anything frozen, you can add a couple of ice cubes to chill it. Banana always gives a nice smooth texture.

PPS: if you’re an author who wrote a book of smoothie recipes and are offended by what I said above, I wasn’t talking about you. Every OTHER book except yours is a piece of crap. Thank you.

December 8, 2014

Help Some People at the Holidays

Filed under: Steve's Blog — dr steve @ 8:11 am

Well, it’s that time of year and we have a couple of people we can help if you have an extra $1, $5, $10, or more!


Our pal RexDart has been taking chemotherapy, but his fixed income makes traveling to MD Anderson AND keeping the lights on at home difficult. He also pays child support out of his Social Security check which is less than $1000/month in the first place.

If you’d like to help him out, click the button below. Any amount will help!  This will basically go toward keeping propane in the tank and the lights on.


Ok, ok, we get it, Lady Di is a mess. Sending her money directly would simply be enabling her and would fatten the coffers of the Natty Ice distributor. I do have her landlord’s name and address, though, and we could send him a few bucks to offset her rent payment for the holidays (around $770/month). However annoying she is, I know Weird Medicine listeners wouldn’t want her homeless again, tooting on unclean junk to keep beans on her plate.

To donate to Lady Di’s rent (100% will go to her landlord; Di has foodstamps and welfare to count on for food and heat), click the link below:




If you’d like to help Kevin, the Ron and Fez fan with the pineal gland cyst, click here to go to his YouCaring.Com fundraiser! The problem with having health insurance is that it DOESN’T PAY THE MORTGAGE or make sure your KIDS ARE OK AT THE HOLIDAYS…Kevin and his family could use some real help while he is recuperating.



Mad Scientist Party Hour (partners of ours on the RiotCast Network) has a friend with multiple brain aneurysms.  He had a huge medical bill and did something you can do too if you run up a huge bill:  he went to the hospital and negotiated his bill down to $5500!  Nicely done, but he needs help paying it off.   Give him some help by checking out his funding site at:

Weird Medicine listeners are the best;  you all ALWAYS come through and you are most appreciated.

Thanks as always, and I’ll keep you up to date on the progress of these campaigns.

yr obt svt,





Thanks to all of you, we have so far sent half her rent to Lady Di’s landlord and a few shekels to RexDart to make his holiday slightly less crappy.   Diana understands ANY FURTHER HELP FROM WEIRD MEDICINE LISTENERS IS PREDICATED ON HER TAKING CERTAIN STEPS, including seeing her local doctor for referral to an addictionologist and following up regarding her hip so she can get back to work and get off the couch.   This has been a consistent demand from donors;  help during the holidays is a gift without strings but that goodwill only goes so far.  Having said that a LOT of you said they’d be willing to help Di if she would simply show signs of helping herself.

Any further donations after our show airs on 12/13/14 will go to RexDart and his kids and dog unless you specifically request that it be held for Di once she shows some sign of interest in making her life better.

Thanks to everyone who helped and to everyone who didn’t donate but refrained from bashing me for helping Diana out at this time of year.


yr obt svt,




December 1, 2014

RIOTCAST Holiday Gift Drive: Please Help!

Filed under: Steve's Blog — dr steve @ 7:47 pm


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