Weird Medicine Healthcare for the Rest of Us

March 25, 2015

RexDart Update

Filed under: Steve's Blog — dr steve @ 10:03 am

We have a listener who has been battling terminal bladder cancer since 2011. He’s had to try to continue to work just to keep the lights on despite horrific intractable pain, but hasn’t had a full time job since being laid off in 2012. A few months ago he told me “i’m already $100 away from being homeless. At this point I long for the relief that death will bring.”

Recently he was admitted with intractable bleeding from his bladder, causing blood clots that obstructed his urethra, causing horrific pain. A large catheter with three tubes in it did continuous irrigation to clean his bladder out. Being admitted wiped out his account and he has $1000/month in bills on a $700/month income.

He has no family who can help him, and he’s alone, suffering in a cold house trying to live on $700 a month. He finally has an oncologist who will TRY to treat him, but the chemo is keeping him from working and he just got admitted to the hospital with a blood sugar of 700.

He got better for awhile and we stopped raising money for him; he’s again bed ridden and can’t work. Eventually he will need hospice but the docs think they might be able to kick this thing back a bit if he can just make it to the treatments and stay out of the hospital.

Please donate below, $5, $10, $100, whatever you can afford; 100% will go to RexDart who is known to people on the Interrobang website and on twitter as @rexdart936.

Let’s see what we can do as a group to keep the lights on and some heat going so our friend can live out his days in peace.

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