Weird Medicine Healthcare for the Rest of Us

May 12, 2016

Thank You For Being a Part of Our Lives, Pal

Filed under: Steve's Blog — dr steve @ 7:37 pm

Today was a day from hell;  we lost our dear friend Greg Petraitis, known to radio listeners as GVac.  I want everyone to know he died suddenly and did not suffer.  His family is in shock, so please be gentle and give them some time to process this tragic information.

Greg was selfless and loveable, he gladly gave of himself and was never without his sense of humor and infectious laugh.   What an amazing musician, too…he was driving 90 minutes each way to work out a set with Dr Scott and me for an Alzheimer’s benefit;  there was no real benefit to him other than performing and being with his friends.  One of the sweetest (he’d hate that word), nicest people on the planet, and now he’s gone.

Thank you and goodbye, GVac, you were universally loved and our lives will never be the same without you.



More soon, we’re too devastated to write anything more.  I see these pictures and I immediately become intensely sad again.  His mic will be retired and his person will never be forgotten.


yr obt svt,




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