If you visit this site frequently, you’ll notice some changes since October 3, 2016. If you simply listen to each new show as it comes out, none of this will affect you! The most recent 5 shows will always be available for free. Behind the “PayWall” will be the complete archives of Weird Medicine, going back to 2007, and extra content (mini-shows, interviews, music, whatever I can think of). If you’re new to the show and want to go back and listen to all the old shows as many do, you can do this behind the paywall, too.
The cost: $1.99/month. You can cancel any time, and PLEASE let me know if you have any problems with billing or technical issues and I’ll get them fixed immediately.
You can also download the iOS (Apple) app HERE, or the ANDROID app HERE and listen on your multitude of devices without having to screw around with logging in to some crappy website to hear our show.
Why are we doing this? The reality is that this will help me keep the show going, and help keep RiotCast viable as a network. We appreciate your support and do not demand anything from our listeners, but if they want to support us in this way (and get access to crap no one else has) we appreciate it! There are other reasons, too, but you can probably guess what benefit there might be in not having 200+ episodes of me saying wacky things just sitting out there for anyone to hear.
As always, thank you all so much for your continued support; we love our listeners and always appreciate your topic ideas, suggestions, and financial aid.
yr obt svt,
Dr Steve