Weird Medicine Healthcare for the Rest of Us

May 3, 2014

“I Pee and My C*ck’s on Fire” Billy Joel Parody

Filed under: Music — Tags: , , , , — dr steve @ 2:21 pm

For our 100th show, Brother Joe Cumia (Joseph Cumia on YouTube and @JosephCumia on Twitter) and I cooked up this song parody. Well, let’s be clear, I had the idea to do a song and Brother Joe did all the heavy lifting. My main contribution was the idea to do a song about VD and have the chorus say something like “My Stupid C*ck’s on Fire”. A week later, Joe sent me the completed song with spaces for me to insert some audio from our listeners.

The moral to the story of this song is to be responsible and practice safe sex. Enjoy!

your pal,


July 31, 2011

Weird Medicine Behind the Scenes Live show

Filed under: Podcast,Steve's Blog — Tags: , , , , , — dr steve @ 10:52 pm

After we did the 30 minute podcast, the Ustream listeners wanted to get involved so we experimented with taking some LIVE calls. It actually went better than I thought and we talked about gout and some other stuff and even got a call from Lady Trucker (who stumped us).

WE WILL GET BETTER AT THIS. The technology for taking live calls and streaming live isn’t new, but it’s new to us. We had a blast interacting with our friends online, though, and will do a lot more of this as time goes on.

So glitches and all, this is the first Live Weird Medicine from the Weird Medicine studios in downtown weirdmedicineville.

June 8, 2010

New Shows, New Addendum, Medical Mythbusters, other crap

It’s been a long time since I posted a Weird Medicine Addendum. For awhile, we were recording them before the XM/Sirius shows and we were finding that a lot of energy that went into the addendum took away from the “official” show. So we just quit doing them for awhile. We had so much fun recording the last two Weird Medicine shows that we had a lot of energy left to do more so we sat back down and did this addendum. There is all-new material here…none of it (that I recall) was done on the shows that aired.

Please welcome our new friend, Liquorstore Chad, who discussed Adult Nursing Relationships and Adult Breast Feeding on the XM show that will air June 12, 2010. He used to have a music business, where he went by the name “DJ ChadCo” so you know he has to be good.

Very exciting news is coming regarding the Midnight weekend slot…all I can tell you is there will be no more replays at Midnight unless it’s a holiday, and maybe not even then. Stay tuned.

your pal,

Dr Steve

March 17, 2010

New Weird Medicine Shows March 20, 27, 2010

Filed under: Podcast,Steve's Blog — Tags: , , , , , — dr steve @ 12:10 pm

Check out the Weird Medicine Addendum, powered by Arrogant Bastard Ale.

Ok, we gotta stop drinking while we’re doing the show.  Jefferson the Lawyer gave some really BAD medical advice, PA John gave some really BAD legal advice, Double Vasectomy Todd gave us all a BAD virus being cooped up in the studio with him, and I got totally flustered when John and Jeff started laughing hysterically off mic at some private joke.  Then I apparently posted this to our RSS feed and don’t even remember doing it. 🙂

Topics over the next few weeks include:

1) Breast Milk Flan
2) Assorted rectal bleeding questions
3) Assorted “My X smells like Y” questions
4) Herpes, herpes, herpes
5) Listen to PA John, DRUNK ON ONE BEER

We’re giving away some Weird Medicine merchandise!  Listen to the XM/Sirius shows for details!  Be the first to answer the stumper and a Weird Medicine beer stein is yours.

your pal,

Dr Steve

December 3, 2009

Nov 7 2009 Debriefing Part II

Filed under: Steve's Blog — Tags: , , , , , , — dr steve @ 10:52 am

We did a lot of touristy NewYork-y stuff over the next 24 hours;  took the Staten Island Ferry with Big A, did the Empire State Building, ate at the Carnegie Deli, and hit the Comedy Cellar for the early show.


Weirdly, two most attractive women who we met at the Ron and Fez show also “coincidentally” showed up at the Cellar while we were eating.  In a city of millions of people, it was either the most amazing synchronicity, or it was fate (or they were stalking Double Vasectomy Todd, the only single guy in the group).

Saturday night was show night and we arrived at 1221 6th Ave in plenty of time to get ready.  Security in the building is very efficient and very effective.  Of course none of us were on the list.  All of our guests were magically on the list, but apparently no one thought to add the host and his minions to the “ok to come up” ledger.  I started to panic while the minutes ticked away and no one came to rescue us.   Erock told me to chill out, that he’d be there in a minute and fix things.  I figured at worst if we shit the bed on the show I could blame it on whoever it was that forgot that we were doing a show that night.  I also realized that if we weren’t ready to do the show by 8pm, getting in at 7pm wouldn’t really help much.  Eventually we got upstairs.

The next thing security did was kick out all our interns.  We need 3-4 people to run this dumb show behind the scenes: a producer to work the board in the studio, one to work the master control board, one to call screen, and hopefully another to do anything else that needs doing.  For whatever reason, the security guy on the 36th floor decided Angry Matt and his fellow interns didn’t need to be up there that night and kicked them out.  Erock was going to have to do the job of 3 people if we were going to have a show that night.   My record of zero technical difficulties on-air was in serious jeopardy.   Something I can say about Erock right here and now: he was unflappable.  As much crap as he gets on O&A on a daily basis, he was totally professional and if this whole situation bothered him he never let it show.  Instead he went into problem solving mode and decided to remote everything from the master control room.  Intern Paul got to stay and he’d phone screen and we’d wing the rest.  In the end, Erik somehow got the interns back (they just magically reappeared 5 minutes before showtime) and all was well.

9-10pm:  A tribute to Barry the Blade, our late “Trucker Hygiene Correspondent” and a section on trucker doody and trucker health.   We took a bunch of phone calls but as usual the phones were SLAMMED and there were way more great calls on the board than we could ever hope to get on the air.   I was very impressed at how Rob, Jefferson, and Double Vasectomy Todd fell right into the rhythm of things without showing any nerves at all.  Is it just me that gets adrenaline pumping and says dumb things and acts nervous when put in a strange situation?  I was also very happy that PA John has fully taken on the mantle of cohost…he did an amazing job of keeping things moving.

PA John

10-10:30 My first true “celebrity interview”, though we’d done Victoria Zdrok on the last live show, I thought this one would be the real deal.  I’d confirmed 3 times with Vos, and he’d even given me his hotel room number in Vegas.   The day before the show I confirmed with him again and got back “i’ll be there, looking forward to it”.   10pm rolls around, and I get this from the control room through my headset:  “VOS ISN’T ANSWERING ANY OF THESE NUMBERS YOU GAVE US!”  It was a perfect Vos moment for me, so we went to the next guy on the list who was a Suboxone user and had successfully beaten narcotic addiction with it.   The whole point of the thing was that I was going to have someone (Vos) on first who kicked drugs the “old school” way through cold-turkey and rehab, and someone else following him who had done it the “new school” way with Suboxone.   The concept I was trying to get across is that there are lots of ways to skin a cat and if these guys could do it, perhaps it would encourage someone else to kick the habit as well.  We then had a guy (MilkmanDan) who told me he blamed doctors for the glut of prescription drugs being abused out there but we got off on another subject.   The whole half-hour didn’t go as I expected, but we got some experience in improvisation and I think it turned out pretty interesting and entertaining anyway.  This whole thing led up to my favorite momement of the whole show:

My first celebrity “hang up”!   We were in commercial when Erik notified me that Vos was now on the phone.  We all debated what to do with him, tell him to go F himself or just have him on and do the interview…I decided to do a little of both.   While I wanted to be all miffed at Vos for blowing us off, the truth of the matter is that we’re a dinky show and he has a real career and I was glad he remembered us at all.   In addition, he does have a story to tell about getting off drugs and I’m very proud of him for being drug-free for over 20 years.   So we went to him right after the break, got him to talk a little bit about his story, patted him on the back for doing such a great job kicking dope, and then hung up on him in the middle of him giving out his plugs.   I learned this trick from Opie:  if you just hang up on someone, you get silence.   But if you hang up on them and then click on the open hotline number, you get a dial tone. The sound of the person being cut off and followed by a dial tone is hilarious.   Opie is a genius and a great teacher.


Somewhere in there we discussed the Penis Lengthening Challenge;  MJ Carlesi helped Double Vasectomy Todd to lose 80 lbs and gain 2 3/4 inches of penis length.  He didn’t really “gain” it as much as “reclaim” it, but it was pretty astounding.

Next we had Big A in the studio to talk about his health issues;  Andrew has a job and has health insurance and still can’t afford health care.  Thanks to Jon Gray at Big A now has a BiPAP machine for his awful sleep apnea syndrome.  He has a long way to go but is at least back in the health care system thanks to the listeners of Weird Medicine who have donated to his and Pat from Moonachie’s health care fund.

Big A next got diagnosed by a PhD Speech Pathologist;  Kris G believes he has “spasmodic dysphonia”, a theory we will try to prove or disprove over the next few months if we can find a neurologist who is interested in speech problems who will treat him for free.

Next we had the lovely and funny Heather Height whose show “HateSpeechRadio” airs on  She’s a comic-in-training, too, and also works at an adult gift shop.   She brought in some Cawk Pillz (which Double Vas Todd immediately downed) and a really unusual sexual device.  Behind the scenes we got to meet her betrothed, David Harris, and the owner of BPS Radio, Brian Smith.  Always cool to make new friends.  It’s also funny that they had no problem getting into the studio but the interns who work there got kicked out.


The wheels almost fell of the cart when Foundry Music Jeff came in to talk about health care reform.   He’s been our correspondent on health care issues since Episode 3 and we were supposed to talk about “Death Panels” and what (if anything) can be done to cover everyone in this country.  Instead, Jeff decided to piss off half of the country by advocating that insurers save money for “essential” services by eliminating coverage for things with “unproven” efficacy, like rape counseling.  Tacie was out in the hallway pushing Heather back into the studio to respond to this, and no one heard another word Jeff said.   He may have had the most reasoned argument in the world and the cure for cancer, but after the inflammatory comments (including “Americans love to be sick”) everyone seemed to get bogged down in a couple of points and we never got any further.  One caller said Jeff should be shot with a “shit shotgun” (which was a pretty good line as long as we’re only talking metaphorically) and before we knew it the show was over.

Weird Medicine Episode IV: A New Hope was history.

Thanks go out to everyone who helped us with this show, especially my lovely wife Tacie who researches topics on the fly for me so I can sound like a genius on the air.  We absolutely loved NYC and can’t wait to come back again next year.   Until then, there may be some opportunities for live Weird Medicine shows, either from the SiriusXM studios in Nashville, or by installing an ISDN line in the local studio we broadcast from now.   More on that later.

Your pal,


PS: Don’t forget your “Weird Medicine” merchandise!  All of our crap is designed to elicit a “WTF is this?” response at your next “White Elephant” gift exchange.  Check it out at

PPS: We’ll be on with brand new shows for the next three weeks at 11:59pm Saturday and Sunday nights.  Don’t miss the holiday spectacular on Dec 19th where PA John chases us all out of the studio with his awful gassers.  We specialize in grown-up comedy, don’t we?

September 1, 2009

H1N1 (Swine) Flu: Don’t Panic (yet) (with O&A audio)

Filed under: H1N1 (Swine) Flu,Steve's Blog — Tags: , , , — dr steve @ 6:11 am

Fox News and other networks have been running a story that “scientists” are “predicting” a resurgence of the H1N1 (Swine) Flu virus this winter, one that will rival the influenza epidemic of 1918. My sources at the CDC tell me that in fact, this is simply a report about a contingency plan by the government in case the worst does happen. No one is able to predict what this stupid virus will do, but planning for the worst is never a bad idea. We talked about this briefly on O&A this morning, albeit in my typical “you woke me up, you asshats” stupor.

Barring a “superflu” of “Stephen King’s The Stand” proportions, it’s unlikely that the 1918 death rate will ever happen again. During that pandemic, 1/3 of the Earth’s 1.5 billion people got the flu, and 1/10th of those died from it. One thing they didn’t have back then that we do now: Antiviral medications. Another thing: mechanical ventilators. Another thing: the internet and mass media so people can stay abreast of what’s going on. Another thing: Purell. Another thing…well, you get the picture.

There are higher than normal influenza cases right now. The CDC issued this statement today:

  • Visits to doctors for influenza-like illness (ILI) were highest in February during the 2008-09 flu season, but rose again in April 2009 after the new H1N1 virus emerged. Current visits to doctors for influenza-like illness are down from April, but are higher than what is expected in the summer.
  • Total influenza hospitalization rates for adults and children remain low and are well below the seasonal winter-time average of the last four years.
  • The proportion of deaths attributed to pneumonia and influenza (P&I) was low and within the bounds of what is expected in the summer.
  • Most state health officials are reporting local or sporadic influenza activity. Two states are reporting widespread influenza activity at this time. Any reports of widespread influenza activity in August are very unusual.
  • Almost all of the influenza viruses identified were the new 2009 H1N1 influenza A viruses. These 2009 H1N1 viruses remain similar to the viruses chosen for the 2009 H1N1 vaccine and remain susceptible to antiviral drugs (oseltamivir and zanamivir).
  • So wash your hands, don’t put your fingers in your eyes, nose and mouth, and remain vigilant. If you come down with a fever/aches/pain/cough go see your primary care provider.

    your pal,


    (Check out the O&A audio…you can hear what a dumbass I am at 6:30AM)

    July 9, 2009

    July 4th Dead Celebrity Special 2009

    We asked for airtime to discuss medical problems that are related to the current crop of dead celebrities, including Michael Jackson (why do doctors treat celebrities differently than “normal” patients?), Billy Mays (how to avoid sudden cardiac death), and Farrah Fawcett (diagnosis and treatment of rectal cancer). I really, really tried to use these peoples’ demise as a jumping off point to discuss something relevant or interesting to our audience. Everyone else has done the tribute/bashing/whatever; I wanted to do something a little different.  We tried “turning the senseless deaths of famous people into information you can use to try to live forever.”

    Thanks to sam and dave for giving up their airtime over the holiday weekend. They’re purty good fellers.

    Thanks to for getting three of us on her program. Double Vasectomy Todd has regained almost 2 inches of lost manhood on her program. If you’re interested in talking to her, she’s very reasonable cost-wise, and really knows her stuff.

    We are working hard toward a live show Oct 17th from NYC, and possibly another live show Labor Day weekend from Nashville.  Stay tuned.

    your pal,


    PS: Check out the WEIRD MEDICINE STORE!  This is new and all proceeds will go to keeping Live shows on the air.

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