I had just had my flu shot, and I was in a generally bad mood. When the show was over I thought we (I) had shit the bed, BAD. In the end I listened to it Live on the Air and it wasn’t half bad! Actually it has some great stuff on it.
We’re just gearing up for the Nov6 O&A show, and the Nov 7th 3 hour weird medicine. We have a great rundown already. Just looking for good bumper music; anyone know the band “Fuck the Facts”? I’d love to have them in studio “unplugged”.
If we can do the bit we have planned on O*A it may make O&A history.
Stay tuned. Check out http://www.cafepress.com/weirdmedicine
Topics: Semenya: male or female ?; Boxer drinks his own piss (AND LOSES); a trucker bathroom tricks followup by Barry the Blade; a bunch of other crap too.
Hope you like it!